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Farah Danny.
We share the same age.
We hate backstabbers. Period.
So sit back, read, enjoy and leave a message.
Happy Reading earth people :)


Music Playlist at MixPod.com



★Amirah!  ★Eka!  ★Vivian!
★Jolene!  ★Celina!  ★QiuRong!
★ZhiLei!  ★Arina!  ★Fyka!
★Jaslyn!  ★Nadhirah!  ★Syaq!
★Amira!  ★Amalina!  ★Fazsreena!
★Fizah!  ★Divya!  ★Nadeya!
★Annis!  ★Fira! 


06 February 2010
time to move on

hey all.. Its been a long time since i write in this blog. Hmm.. Its been a hectic start of the year for me. A lot of problems bombarded me at once. I know I have to move on but this kind of thing is very difficult to forget cuz it's still on my mind. And I can still picture everything out clearly. It is so hard to erase it out of my mind, my heart. All I can tell u is, this is by far the most heartbreaking thing that has ever happened to me. It cut me deep in my heart. It cut me rite thru the guts. The pain can be felt rite thru my stomach. My goodness. No matter what happens, this is something that I will never forget.


10 November 2009

I am sick and tired of school. I'm getting worse by the day. I got a lot of things to think about. I hate myself rite now. I feel like I should put an end to my life. I just can't take this anymore. God damn it. Dear god, please take me away.

11 October 2009

Its been ages eversince I last wrote in here. My blog is arld very dusty. Hmm. Im not feeling well these few days. Hunn, u know y. I think thats is y I've avoiding school a lot lately. I can know what my new classmates will say about me. Just like when I 1st came in my previous class. Ok.. Wadeva. People dunnoe me. But what the hell. Like people said, mulut org kau tak leh tutop. Mulot tupai kau boleht tutop. It means u cant shut people form talking. They can say what they want to say. I've decided to continue on schooling with the purpose of protecting my mother. Only god knows why. I've been in a bad mood. Saket badan every now and then. I feel so lethargic when I have to move about, especially when I have to go out. Even to go out to have fun. Right now, I really need help and lot of encouragement. I feel so lost. I feel like a loner, eventhough I know that there are people around me. I need advise.

Anyways, Raya is not the same for me. This year is a bit different. I don't feel the enthusiassm like I usually does. It feels like a normal day had just gone by. I didn't visit most of people's house because most of the time I'm working. But hey, I get a lot of money working during my holidays. Hee. Now no more holidays. Haiz. How many more days to holidays? My guess.. 3 months and bla bla bla.. Wow.. So long.. Oh well..

November coming soon.. Ala.. No biggy..

Love, farah.

11 August 2009
Happy 18th Birthday to you.

Happy Birthday Sayang...
Come I sing for you..
Happy BIrthday to you..
Happy Birthday to you..
Happy Birthday to Danny..(Hehe)
Happy Birthday to you..

Hie sayang.. Happy 18th Birthday..
U dah legal dah..Hehe..
Whatever it is, remember, I'll be here for you..
Through thick and thin..
Together we'll preserve the bad and good..
I am sorie if I can't buy u a present yet..
But I'll sure celebrate with you your very special day..
The day u turn legal. Hehe.
Okay.. Promise..
May all your wish come true ya dear..
May you be blessed with wealth, health, and many more.
I hope you enjoyed your birthday..
I sayang lah kat you.. U tau kan..
SO, jgn tinggalkan i okay? Hehe.. Cuz I for sure won't..Hehe..
Once again, Happy Birthday. Love u like always..

So, Sunday after work, I went to Hunn's house to lepak-ed. I was freaking tired, so I took a nap. His mum was like asking me to eat. But I was too full.. Sorie cik.. I did eat. Just one piece of chicken. Hehe. So, after eat, Hunn and his family was watching the national day parade and Singapore Idol, but me, I was sleeping. I am so tired that all the distractions and noises, I tend to ignore it. Hehe. How tired I am.

Then at 10:30 pm Hunn woke me up. We all siap2 then go watch midnight movie: G.I. Joe. I was in my PJ's. I quickly go change. Hehe. With my sleepy face, I go change. Then at 11:30 pm went out head to the mall. Reached the mall, still want to eat Mac, Omg, I am still full seh.. Hehe.. 12:00 am, went inside the wayang. Omg, it was so fun!!! The movie is better than transformers i must say. Hahas. I like the white chic guy. What's his name? I forgot. Hahas. He was so damn hilarious. Especially the part where they wore the suit.. Hahas.. Where the guy said, it costs millions of dollars, so don't break it. But he tripped and fell and was hit by a car. Hahas. So cute sak.. Hahas..Kk.. Then went home at 3 am.Woke up at 3 pm. Hahas.

Then at 6 pm(the next day) met hunn and his family again and dined in and followed hunn went shopping for some clothes. I was so tired seh. Idk y. Hmm.. Anyways, I had a fun day with hunn! Thanks for tagging me along. Hee.. Okay.. Till next time..

Once again baby, Happy Birthday and I love you!

With lots of love, Farah.

07 August 2009

Oh My god. What's wrong with blogger???? Haiz.. PIssed ehk..

Kk, yesterday went for Trek Earth with Faz and Fizah. Hehe. I was wearing jeans while training. Hahas. Laugh it up Fizah and Faz. HI DANNY HERE!!! (kpo) Ignore him. Hahas. K, back to my story. I was wearing jeans. I couldn't stretch of course. Because it was so tight. And if I do, my jeans will be torn. Hahas. kk..

Faz is so cute with her PE attire outfit from her previous school. Hahas. She is so cute man. Playing captain ball was even fun! She said she can't catch the ball, but in the end she got it. Hehes. Fiza..even cuter.. She run so semangat and then she say, "Alamak, bola tak datang pulak" With a very sad face. Hahas. Cute lah..

When I was stretching, I suddenly miss my coach, coach Mei Qi, my captain, Brina, my stretching partner, Shafiqah.. Huhu.. I miss them so much.. And don't forget Arina, my laughing gas at training. Huhu. I miss u a lot lah.. Hmm..

Kk..Till next time...

04 August 2009

Idk what to say.
Thx Faz for the pill yesterday. Hee.( I was having a headache yest.)
Thx Fiza for lending me your phone to call.( Sorie to trouble you.)
And I'm sad my gerek supervisor is gg to resign soon.
Hunn, I want you right now na na na..
Till next time if I have something to blog abt.
Boy, I just realised that my life is boring..
Hmm.. Needs a kick ass action..
I wanna go have an adventure...
Gimme some of that can....

Love, Farah.

01 August 2009
burp. Hahas.

Wearing Formal Day. Class photo. Smile :)

The F's.. Say what u want. Bola tak bergoyang... Kan Fizah??? Hahas.

Eh people... I don't want to part with you guys lah!!!
Boo Hoo.
Fiza, faz, we must join same IG if not we'll rarely get to see each other.
Hee. I love u guys man.
You never fail to make me laugh my ass off at school.
Hahas. You guys nvr judge me, hehe, except for first day of school.
Hahas. I know. Hehe.

This boy here is so adorable. Hahas.
Omg... A few days only to your bday lah hunn... Oh my god!!
Dear payy... please come in faster. Hehes..
I love you like hell lah seh.. Crazy me and u..
Hehes..Hope you got what you what on your bday..

Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you
When I close my eyes
I’m gg out of my head
Lost in a fairytale
Can you hold my hands and be my guide

Okay... Now I'm having running nose. Omg. It is so damn irritating.Can't go to work of course.Haiz. Sigh.When is my pay gonna come in. Hmm.Okay, I have a lot cravings right now. Hahas.That day went out with mum and adek to wheelock to get adek that crumpler bag he's been eyeing for months.Now he finally got it. Then we walked aroud that new mall, ION. OMG. that place piss me off. It is very complicated. Blergh.. Nuff said. I bought 1 ballet flats and one peep toe flats. *smiles smiles* I love it so much. Hehe. Then we dined at fish and co. I ordered philadelphia fish and chips and it tasted weird. Pretty weird. Hmm. I had to put tobasco sauce to perk up the taste. Ya I know. Tobasco sauce and fish and chips dnt quite actually match. But they don't have chilli sauce(at least I thought there isn't). So yeah. If I dine there again, remind me not to order that. Oh ya.. me and adek ordered sharkie freeze but the waiter said that the drink is very big and advised us to just ordered one. Ohok. I thought how big can it be. So I just ordered a normal size drink. But when the drink comes, *jaw dropping*.. Omg.. It was freaking huge lah. I'll upload the pics soon. The sharkie frezze is so super delish. Hehe. I want more. Next time, I want my own.. No lah. I don't think I can finish. So ya..

Today went out with mum,bbk,sarah,and hunn. Went to eat breakfast at Banquet then fetch Sarah from DAS then shopped for a little groceries at NTUC. Then hunn lepak-ed at my home sweet home. We watched MJ live. Hahas. MJ is really inspiring. Hahas.

Okay. Thats abt it. I cant remember the other days. Hmm.....Hahas...Nvm..

Gdnyte people. Love u hunn :)

Love, Farah.
